Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is that a frog on the base of that totem pole?

Why yes! It is! This is the cover the brochure for the Stitch Ahoy cruise to Alaska next August, that Sue Hillis and I are planning.
The brochure includes the chart for the totem pole, information about the totem poles and The Legend of the Stitcher, which explains the frog on the totem pole. The borchures have been sent to Hoffman Distributors and from there will go to shops ordering Sue Hillis Designs. So ask for it at your favorite shop.
Those already registered for the cruise will be receiving one in the mail as soon as I get my act together.
If you haven't already done so, please consider joining us on the cruise. We have lots of wonderful things planned!

1 comment:

coral said...

Eva ! I would love to come but we'll be in Europe ...Kristeen and I wanted to come but we thought it would be the same time as the last one :(Oh well next wll have a fantastic time:)