Wednesday, March 07, 2018

WIP Wednesday 3-7-2018

This is actually as WISP (work in slow progress).  It was started in February of 2006 as a stitch-a-long with two stitching friends.  The plan was to stitch on it for 10 hours each month.  Denise never did get hers started, and Nancy made some good progress early on, but found she had a huge counting error and abandoned the project soon thereafter.  For some time, I did get my 10 hours in almost each month, but then other projects needed attention and it stood in the corner for some time.  The last time I remember working on it was April 2016....until today.  I should have about 30 hours of stitching left.....wish me luck!  I want it done and off my WISP list!


Brigitte said...

Ein tolles Projekt - und bald beendet. Viel Glück für die restlichen 30 Stunden.

Cindy's Stitching said...

So pretty. It will be amazing hung to see.