Monday, June 20, 2016

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend - The Results!

Well, Friday was a bust, too much stuff going on.  A Funeral and memorial luncheon to attend, interviewing new caregivers for my mother....and then just collapsing.  Saturday was a bit better, driving a daughter around to get her car repaired, hospice doctor visit for my mother, babysitting for some of my grandchildren, and unpacking a wonderful gift box of Hummels, but I did manage to get some stitching in.  Sunday was Father's Day, so lunch with Dad was on the agenda, some shoe shopping to replace the black sandles that broke last weekend, but there was stitching!

In all, I got 15 hours of stitching this weekend, which isn't earth shattering, but it was a good amount!  I mostly stitched on the French Alphabet Sampler, which is over 1 on 25 count, so it is a bit slower going. 

Here is where the weekend started.

...and here is where it ended....doesn't look like much, but it is all done over 1 on 25 count, so although it is tiny, there are a lot stitches done.

1 comment:

Anne said...

your french alphabet sampler is lovely, i love the blue! :)