Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Holy Hopping Lederhosen!

This past Sunday, some of the family gathered at the German club for the anual Sunday-Before-Thanksgiving Brunch, now known as the Santa Brunch, hosted by the youthgroup. It was a lovely event, with lots of good food and fellowship, and of course a raffle.

One of the more unique raffle items was a "Remote Control Hopping Lederhosen with Knockwurst remote control" that also yoddeled. It was won by some friends of ours so we got to see it up close and personal but did not have time to install the batteries to see it in operation.

BUT...there is a web site that shows how it works. Hopping Lederhosen is sure to put a chuckle in your day! Be sure your sound is turned on, you wouldn't want to miss the yoddeling!


Cindy F. said...

What fun!! That's too cute:)

Threeundertwo said...

tee hee. It's the knockwurst that makes it perfect.