Wednesday, January 09, 2019

A Christmas Gift

For Christmas 2016 and 2017, John got me this wonderful hand lotion each year.  The first year he got it for me, it was one of Oprah's favorite things and he thought I would like it.  He was right, I loved it!  I do love Citrus scents and the lotion is wonderful!  It is hard to get in our area, and is quite expensive in my opinion.  Since I like it so much, he got me another one the following year.  This year before Christmas, he asked me how long a tube lasted, and I told him that if I am careful, I can make it last all year.

He spent New Year's in Colorado, with his nephew and family.  His nephew's wife, Amy, works for the company that makes this wonderful lotion.  With her help, this is what he had shipped to me this year.  128 ounces of the lotion!   A full gallon!  I think I am set for awhile!

1 comment:

Honeybee said...

Wow! What a great, thoughtful gift! You don't have to be careful now--you can bathe in the stuff! ;O)