At the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year, Karnival or Fasching (also known as Mardi Gras) begins. All over Germany, Karnival Prince and Princesses are crowned. During this "5th season", which lasts until Ash Wednesday, lots of fun events happen. During these events, some of the "common folk" are honored for their work and participation by receiving special medals, or in German "Orden". Once having received one, you MUST wear it to every event and activity, or you have to buy the Prinz a bottle of Snaps! I received this year's Orden quite early in the season, so I have to be sure and keep it with me at all times lest I have to buy lots of bottles of snaps.
Over the course of the years, I have received quite a few of these medals. They are quite pretty and I have been displaying them on the wall. I now need a bigger wall.