The chart came with the button for the hat, but I purchased a few more buttons to decorate the black frame.
You can't tell from the picture, but there are also beads on the cross and on the wreath on the back. This was a Christmas themed exchange, we did it early to avoid the Christmas rush! It is just lovely! It is also in pristine condition, even after going through the mail, twice! Angela mentioned that the first time she mailed it, the postal clerk told her to put the stamps on a sticky label and stick the label on the cloth. That didn't work, as the entire label fell off. Angela then mailed it with the the stamps stuck directly on the fabric, and here it is!
Thank you Angela! I love it!
Sue and Tracy were deep in discussion about designing alphabets.
Sunday morning we had brunch at my house, and then more stitching! Trudi came back, and Patsy joined for the day. Another day of stitching and chatting and laughing and eating! It was so sad to say goodbye to Kim and the Canadians when it was time to go!
Monday morning it was time to take Lesley and Sue to the airport, Lesley was traveling on to Moline to visit her uncle in Rock Falls, and Sue was going home to Richmond VA.
Although the house seemed a bit crowded over the weekend (well, it was snug and cozy!) it is now so empty and quiet. But if I listen very closely, I can still hear the laughter echoing throughout the house! Thank you all, dear friends, for your visit and your friendship! And come again soon! (I will be posting pictures of the festivities throughout the week)