Friday, January 29, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 28
On Day 28 I chose to start Pines in the Snow Ornament by Handblessings Designs. It is done on canvas and is all one stitch, the Oriental Variation Stitch. I forgot how much I dislike this stitch. It is a it is going much more slowly than I would like. But I am half finished with it....
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Crazy Janaury Challenge Day 27
Day 27 start was the last of the Exotic Places stitches project the our ANG chapter is doing. We were given a book of 19 different stitches, and are to complete at least 12 of them by the beginning of March. This is my 12th! I am finished with this project
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 26

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 25

Monday, January 25, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 24
On Day 24 I started the February Flower of the Month by Ellen Maurer-Stroh. This is a monthly flower series that was released as a freebie series a few years ago and is still available on her website. I had originally planned to stitch one block each month, but I may have to rethink that, as this first block is taking much longer than originally anticipated.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Crazy January Challange Day 23
On Day 23 I started and finished this piece of canvas work, The Red Tulip by Handblessings Designs. It is done with a Hungarian 5 point bargello stitch and was fun to stitch except for my very sore wrist and hand by the time it was done.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 22
On Day 22 I started Birds, Flowers and Patches Quilt. This is the 2013 free promotional block of the month design by Handblessings Designs. I had planned to do one block each month, but I got 2 blocks done. It is stitched on 32 count Lambswool Jobelin, with Weeks Dye Works floss.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 21
On Day 21 I started Around the World in 80 Days by Little House Needleworks. It is an enjoyable piece to stitch. Can't wait to get back to it.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 20

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 19
On Day 19 I started and finished another Hinzeit Mini Block, this time it was Camping. My sister-in-law started stitching this one many years ago, and found the evenweave fabric too difficult, and then restarted it on aida, but had trouble with her eyes so she gave it to me to finish. I detest stitching on aida, and there was enough of the evenweave after cutting off the part that was stitched, so I chose to use that. There weren't enough threads to do the project, and I didn't want to go out and buy more, so I found some in my stash that would work and started stitching. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the charms were lost, so I call my LNS and ordered another chart with the charms and will attach those once they get here. I already have the frame for it, so we are good to go!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 18

Monday, January 18, 2016
Crazy January Challange Day 17
...and the starts continue....this time it's a runner from another Rico booklet. The prefinished runner was another piece given to me from the stash of the same stitcher where I got the table topper I was working on two days ago. This one wasn't started at all, and had no chart or fibres with it, but I had a pattern and most of the fibres, so I started stitching. This one will also be donated once it is finished, just don't know which charity will get it yet.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 16
So the Crazy 15 Challenge has become the Crazy January Challenge, because I can't seem to stop at 15..... Day 16's start is Northwoods Bear, from the Northwoods Afghan chart. I did the afghan for my favorite son-in-law a few years ago, and this pillow on the same fabric is for him once it is stitched. Seems a bit weird to be stitching on 11 count fabric over 2 the last two days, when I was stitching 25 ct. over 1 a few days ago.....but it certainly keeps life interesting
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge - Day 15
On Day 15 I started stitching on the Rico Table Topper.....but I should mention that it was a UFO inherited when another stitcher passed away. Although I didn't put the first stitch into this piece, I am still counting it as a start because I hadn't worked on it before. There isn't actually a lot left to stitch. Two "squares" were more than half done, and I finished both of them. The third and final square was just started but I had to pull all the stitches out and redo it because the design wasn't centered properly.
I should mention that I inherited the UFO but not the chart or the fibres. Luckily, I had the chart in a Rico booklet, but it took awhile to track it down. Then I had to figure out if the original stitcher had used Anchor threads (as listed on the charts) or had converted everything to DMC. After lots of comparisons, I decided that Anchor floss was used. Luckily I had all the colors! Then I had to figure out if she used the recommended amount of strands (4 for cross stitches and 1 for back stitch) or if she changed that. After more comparisons, I looked to me that she used 2 strands for cross stitches and 2 strands for back stitches. So that is what I am doing. It probably only needs one more day of stitching before its finished. I will be donating the finished piece to charity, just haven't decided which one yet
I should mention that I inherited the UFO but not the chart or the fibres. Luckily, I had the chart in a Rico booklet, but it took awhile to track it down. Then I had to figure out if the original stitcher had used Anchor threads (as listed on the charts) or had converted everything to DMC. After lots of comparisons, I decided that Anchor floss was used. Luckily I had all the colors! Then I had to figure out if she used the recommended amount of strands (4 for cross stitches and 1 for back stitch) or if she changed that. After more comparisons, I looked to me that she used 2 strands for cross stitches and 2 strands for back stitches. So that is what I am doing. It probably only needs one more day of stitching before its finished. I will be donating the finished piece to charity, just haven't decided which one yet
Friday, January 15, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge Day 14
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 13
On Day 13 I started Embroidery Guild by Little House Needleworks. Progress on this one is going to be slow, the fabric is giving me problems. It is 30 count linen by R & R Reproductions, the recommended fabric, but it is extremely stiff and really hard to work with.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge Day 12
On Day 12 I started and finished this Hinzeit Mini Block piece called Stitch. I picked it up a number of years ago at our EGA chapter's annual garage sale, complete with floss and charms. I added some fabric and it has been sitting patiently waiting to be stitch ever since. It is now finished!
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge Day 11
Day 11's start is the Santa Train Stocking from the Summer 2014 Stoney Creek Magazine. I am stitching this on 28 count white Jubilee with the recommended fibres. I have been wanting to start this one for quite awhile, but misplaced the magazine. I finally gave up and posted that I would like to purchase a used magazine on a cross stitch message board, and then immediately found my copy! I only need to order two of the glissen gloss colors and the charms and beads, but I won't need those right away.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge Day 10
On Day 10 I started this French Alphabet Sampler. It was a free chart that I kitted up a few years ago, don't remember where I got. I am stitching it on 25 Count antique white Lugana over one fabric thread with one strand of Gloria silk. The entire sampler is done with one color, except for an accent done in metallic thread. I haven't decided if I will use gold or silver...
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Crazy January Challenge Day 9
Day 9's start is from the Bent Creek Photo Booth series, Easter Surprise. I have stitched some of this series already, and eventually want to stitch all of them.
Saturday, January 09, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 8
On Day 8 I started and finished this cute little wreath ornament. I received it a few years ago at our ANG chapter Christmas party, and finally got around to stitching it. It is done on congress cloth with 1 strand of floss over one canvas thread. It is embellished with gold petite beads, but they are hard to see in the picture. It will be ornamentified at a later date.
Friday, January 08, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 7
On Day 7, I started The Breath of Autumn by Chessie and Me. I am stitching this on 32 ct. Sand Lugana, with the suggested silk fibres. I haven't stitched with silk in awhile, I had forgotten how lovely it is to stitch with silk....can't wait to get back to this one.
Thursday, January 07, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 6
On Day 6 I started Silent Night by Country Cottage Needleworks and made some good progress. I think I will re-chart the words to the German text.....
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 5
On the fifth day, I picked up Dream Big again, but this time, stitch on 25 count Lugana over 1 to make it smaller. It will be an ornament when the stitching is finished.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 4
Monday, January 04, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 3

Sunday, January 03, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 2
Saturday, January 02, 2016
Crazy 15 Challenge, Day 1

Friday, January 01, 2016
December Progress, January Goals and the Year in Review
December produced some finishes! You might remember my goal of completing the remaining 8 Little House Needleworks 2012 ornaments, well, I didn't quite reach that goal, but I am quite happy with my progress. Despite lots of family visiting, and being in a crazy house...I managed to get all but one of the ornaments finished, and that last one is already my first finish of 2016! Yay me!
I had a total of 43 finishes for 2015, and considering there were a number of large pieces, I am quite happy with that number.
I will need to unpack the new iron, and press them before I can show you some pictures.
For 2016, I will be doing my own version of Crazy 15 challenge. This is where you start a new project each day for 15 days, and then complete them during the year. Not sure what I will actually start, I will just choose whatever strikes my fancy each day. Visit again to see what I am up to!
10 hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas
Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler
Oveture II
afghan pillow moose
Crystal Violets
French Alphabet block sampler
Silent Night (CCN)
Around the World in 80 Days
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
4 person RR Marguerite’s
Landon’s Stocking
Justin’s Birth Sampler
6 Cardinals finished
Hot Cocoa finished
Snow Cold finished
Country Christmas finished
Gingerbread Cookie finished
Season of Love finished
Saltbox Village worked on it
10 hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas
Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler
Oveture II
In Progress
Saltbox Village finished
Future New starts
afghan pillow bear
afghan pillow moose
Crystal Violets
French Alphabet block sampler
Silent Night (CCN)
Around the World in 80 Days
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
4 person RR Marguerite’s
Landon’s Stocking
Justin’s Birth Sampler
I had a total of 43 finishes for 2015, and considering there were a number of large pieces, I am quite happy with that number.
I will need to unpack the new iron, and press them before I can show you some pictures.
For 2016, I will be doing my own version of Crazy 15 challenge. This is where you start a new project each day for 15 days, and then complete them during the year. Not sure what I will actually start, I will just choose whatever strikes my fancy each day. Visit again to see what I am up to!
December 2015
WISPS:10 hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas
Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler
Oveture II
In Progress
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Future New starts
afghan pillow bearafghan pillow moose
Crystal Violets
French Alphabet block sampler
Silent Night (CCN)
Around the World in 80 Days
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
4 person RR Marguerite’s
Landon’s Stocking
Justin’s Birth Sampler
6 Cardinals finished
Hot Cocoa finished
Snow Cold finished
Country Christmas finished
Gingerbread Cookie finished
Season of Love finished
Saltbox Village worked on it
January 2016
WISPS:10 hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas
Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler
Oveture II
In Progress
Saltbox Village finished
Future New starts
afghan pillow bear
afghan pillow moose
Crystal Violets
French Alphabet block sampler
Silent Night (CCN)
Around the World in 80 Days
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
4 person RR Marguerite’s
Landon’s Stocking
Justin’s Birth Sampler
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