Friday, February 15, 2013


Celebrating 75 years of Spam?  I don't think so!   I remember having cans of spam on the shelf at our summer home as a child, in case unexpected visitors showed up.   Fried in a pan, it wasn't so bad.                                     
The kind of spam I am really referring to is the unwanted comments, advertisements, etc.  My blog has been overrun with spam!   I don't think my readers are interested in enlarging body parts they may not possess, nor do they want to get various drugs from other countries.....       since I really hate when you have to type in the codes that are hardly readable to be able to post a comment on a blog, I don't want to use them.  I have changed the settings so that I get an e-mail to approve the comment before it is posted. 


Parsley said...

Comment moderation has kept my blog free from that kind of spam. Hope it helps you.

Annie said...

I totally understand the need for comment moderation. I, too, hate typing in those codes to prove I'm a " person". I hope this solution works for you.

Pam in IL said...

I use comment moderation on my blog too.

Unknown said...

I'm a new blogger, so haven't had to deal with this (yet). But I like the moderation thing over the code this for sure!

As to Spam...that brought back a few memories. Some years ago, DH and I were on Guam for 6 months, doing volunteer work for our church. Spam was big over on the island...the newspaper featured weekly recipes using Spam, LOL And it was on most of the restaurant menus! Yummmm...maybe...

Astrids dragon said...

We had Spam growing up, but we had it with mashed potatoes because it covered up the taste some!

Yes, comment moderation is the way to go!