Friday, January 29, 2010
Another Framing Happy Dance
Monday, January 25, 2010
Framing Happy Dance
Friday, January 22, 2010
My Kingdom for a Window!

Monday, January 18, 2010
Found it!

Turns out it was a Victoria Sampler chart, but not a freebie. Is part of the Beyond Cross Stitch series. After finding out this information, a quick call to Welcome Stitchery, and the kit was on it's way in just a few moments.
I look forward to stitching it.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Looking for a Chart
A number of years ago, I received the hardanger heart ornament that is pictured in this post as part of a hardanger exchange on the Teresa Wentzler Message Board.
I now would like to stitch this as an exchange piece but can not find the chart anywhere. I thought it was a free chart on the Victoria Sampler web site, but it is not there. I would appreciate any help in finding this chart!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I won! I won!
I was the lucky winner of that drawing, and my ort bag arrived today! Robin is an amazing stitcher, and also an amazing finisher! The ort bag is gorgeous! I love it!
Thank you Robin!!!
Friday, January 08, 2010
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...
I received the chart on the left from my brother and sister-in-law. I believe the purchased the chart on their trip through Barcelona Spain last summer, as the chart is in Spanish. It is a lovely winter scene, and X's are X's in any language, so I look forward to stitching it!
The kit on the right is the Museum Celle kit from Permin that was given to me by Kim. It is lovely, and I look forward to stitching this on also. I do plan on substituting evenweave for the aida in the kit, though.
Monday, January 04, 2010
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas....
These strawberries are Prairie Schooler Designs and I stitched also stitched all six of them for myself but still need to do the finishing.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
On the Tenth Day of Christmas....
This is the package that I sent to RaNea for our ornament exchange.
Another Just Nan Whimze Rose ornament! Can you tell I really love stitching this one! I have made and given away dozens of them, and don't have a single one on my own tree.
There were spoolie ornaments as part of the package. My daughter Kristin and I have been making these ornaments for years, and have made and given away hundreds of them!