Thursday, May 30, 2019
Jam Session today!
Today I made Strawberry Rhubarb Jam. It is always good seller. Monday, I will pick the rhubarb from Dad's garden and make some more.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Instant Pot Cheesecake Sucess!

though this might be useful to me. I did a bunch of research and then found the one I wanted on a neighborhood garage sale site. It was in new condition and the price was right, so I brought it home and looked at it for a few weeks. I finally got up the nerve to hard boil some eggs in it. And I didn't blow up the house, so I tried a few more things. I made Macaroni and Cheese (Owen, mac and cheese expert like it!) I cooked potatoes for potato salad, and I made pork chops and I made cube steaks, everything has turned out very well.
I also saw that people were making cheesecakes in their instant of course I had to try it. You need a 7" springform pan. I already own at least 2 of every size spring form pan they make, guessed it, no 7"! Amazon helped me rectify that, because I couldn't find that size in any store.

After looking at various cheesecake recipes, I decided to try the Blueberry cheesecake recipe because blueberries were on sale at Aldi. So here it is! A Blueberry Cheesecake "baked" in the Instant Pot! It turned out great! My taste testers loved it! There will be more cheesecakes that will come out of this pot in the future.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Maynia Day 18
On Day 18 I started the Foxy Fob. It is all beaded. I got 5 rows of beads done and found out I had placed the first row wrong, so I had to pull them all out. You want to know what is worse than taking out stitches? Yep, you guessed it, taking out beads!
I have restitched the offending area and gotten a bit more done.
I have restitched the offending area and gotten a bit more done.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Maynia, Day 17
On Day 17, I started Fine Wine by Design Works. I was lucky enough to get the kit on ebay recently, but am using my own fabric and floss. Once I am finished, I will sell the kit. I just love these whimsical designs by this artist. They are all out of print, but I hope to find a few more on ebay in the future.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Maynia, Day 16
On Day 16 I started the Halloween Blackwork Biscornu. It is one of our EGA Guild Projects. I made good progress on this one.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Maynia Day 14
On Day 14 I started stitching on this Canvas Candy Corn Ornament. I have already stitched this one once, this is the second one.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
Maynia Day 12
On Day 12 I started Sweet Watermelon, a chart from the Rocking Horse. I had some trouble with the floss, but got some stitches in.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
Maynia Day 9
On Day 9 I started the Tree of Hope Stocking. It doesn't look like I got much done, but in reality, I did it all twice, but had to frog it the first time, I used the wrong floss...….
Thursday, May 09, 2019
Maynia, Day 8
On Day 8, I started Heart of Hearts by Bent Creek. It is done with #5 Perle cotton on 18 count linen, over two fabric threads. These are always a quick and easy stitch!
Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Maynia Day 7
On Day 7 I started the Ballerina Gingerbread Person by Handblessings Designs. I got quite a bit done.
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Maynia, Day 6
Day 6 I started the Baseball Player from the More Gingerbread People series by Handblessings Designs. He is half done.
Monday, May 06, 2019
Sunday, May 05, 2019
Maynia, Day 4
Day 4, Saturday, I stitched on a model for Sue Hillis. And I unstitched it, and stitched it again and then did some more is now in a time out until it can behave......
Saturday, May 04, 2019
Maynia, Day 3
Day 3 I started Snow Sampler by Country Cottage Needleworks. It is hard to see what I have stitched because much of it is white floss. Trust me, I made some good progress.
Friday, May 03, 2019
Maynia, Day 2
Day 2, I started Hearts in Red and Black and Gray by Handblessings Designs. We received this as a favor at our ANG luncheon.
Thursday, May 02, 2019
Maynia, Day 1
Maynia - a challenge where we start a new piece each day for the first 19 days of May, and then commit to finish those pieces during the year.
Day 1 I started the May flowers from and old Ellen Maurer Stroh freebie. It doesn't look like much, but it's a start!
Day 1 I started the May flowers from and old Ellen Maurer Stroh freebie. It doesn't look like much, but it's a start!
Wednesday, May 01, 2019
April Progress, May Goals
Well, again, not as much stitching got done as I would have liked, but that always seems to be the case! I had wanted to finish the Hardanger Runner, and I am close to a finish, but Easter and some more unpacking and organizing got in the way. In May, I had planned 19 new starts for StitchMaynia, but I will have to fit a model stitching assignment in, so Maynia may not happen.
April 2019
WISPS:Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler
Oveture II
In Progress
Merry Bells #1 Hardanger Hearts finished
Diamond City Lights
Hardanger Runner: worked on it
Future Maynia Starts
1. Home of a Neeldeworker squared finished
2. Stocking for Eleanor
3. Candy Corn #2
4. Foxy Fob
5. Ambrosia Honey
6. Scissors case
7. May flower of the month
8. June flower of the month
9. July flower of the month
10. French alphabet page
11. Hardanger ornament
12. Snowman Heart
13. Marnee Ritter Heart
14. Gingerbread heart
15. Snow Sampler
16. Foxy Fob
17. Heart of Hearts
18. Tree of Ornaments
Future New starts
Large Bargello Ball #2
Small Bargello Ball #2
Winds of Grace (6 of them)
Towmater x 2
Lightning McQueen x2
Cupcake ornaments:
Crystal Violets
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
Walking on Water’s Edge
May 2019
WISPS:Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler
Oveture II
In Progress
Merry Bells #1 Diamond City Lights
Hardanger Runner:
Future Maynia Starts
1. Stocking for Eleanor
2. Black grey and red hearts
3. Gingerbread people #1
4. Gingerbread people #2
5. Gingerbread people #3
6. Fine Wine
7. Pumpkin Harvest
8. Sweet Watermelon
9. Photobooth
10. Candy Corn #2
11. Foxy Fob
12. May flower of the month
13. Snow Sampler
14. Foxy Fob
15. Heart of Hearts
16. Tree of Ornaments
17. Blackwork Biscornu
18. Redwork heart
19. Flower patch
20. Model for Sue
Future New starts
Large Bargello Ball #2Small Bargello Ball #2
Winds of Grace (6 of them)
Towmater x 2
Lightning McQueen x2
Cupcake ornaments:
Crystal Violets
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
Walking on Water’s Edge
Ambrosia Honey
Scissors case
June flower of the month
July flower of the month
French alphabet page
Hardanger ornament
Snowman Heart
Marnee Ritter Heart
Gingerbread heart
Pretty Little Chicago
A Stitcher by Cherrywood designs
Twisted Band Sampler
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