Sunday, November 17, 2013

5 Ornaments Stitched

I was a Hermit this past weekend and stitched most of these ornaments, and finished all of them.  

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Margie's Round Robin

 Today I stitched Margie's Round Robin piece.  Her project is 12 different owls in a Star Treck theme.  Each one is cuter than the other! 

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Robyn'w Round Robin....

I stitched Robyn's Round Robin piece today.  I have stitched this entire piece for myself before, so it was like an old familiar friend.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Suzanne's Round Robin finished

I just finished Suzanne's Round Robin piece and put it in the mail (just a few days late, sorry!).

There are 5 of us in the Diva's Round Robin Group and we have a pass every two months, you think I would get this little thing done in that time, but I kept putting it off, thinking I had time, and before I knew it, I was late! 

Suzanne has chosen these small flower charts by Serendipity Designs.  Not sure what she will do with the finished piece, but the are very pretty!

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

An New Technique

I finished this three wise men ornament the other day.  Mary McGuire (who works at Welcome Stitchery) taught this technique at our last EGA meeting.  It is called an Or Nué.  You lay gold thread on congress cloth and then do vertical stitches over the gold threads to make your design.  It was a quick finish, and I am hope to do more with this technique.  Mary explained how to use a counted cross stitch design to do this, and I think many of the members went home to look for charts to convert!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The Start of Another Round Robin.....

Here is my piece of a new round robin that I am doing with 3 stitchers from the Needlepoint Guild.  It is an older Imaginatings chart called Four Season, by Diane Arthurs (not Diane Williams of Little House Needleworks as I had previously typed - I got the two Dianes mixed up!).  This little bit took me forever....yes forever to stitch.  Why?  because I had to rip out that little house at least 5 times.......

Don't quite know when I will get the next piece for this round robin.  We were going to have the first pass early October, but Irene had to go out of town to take care of a family member that is ill, so we postponed it until November, but now Marguerite is in the hospital so we may postpone it for a bit again.  It's okay, I am ready for

Monday, November 04, 2013

November Ort Report (aka TUSAL)

Here is my report for this month's Totally Useless Stitch-a-Long.  As you can see, there aren't as many orts as usual.  There are two reasons for this.  I was away from my regular stitching nest for a few weekends and I don't remember where those orts went....and I didn't get in as much stitching time this past month due to a bad cold and playing with the grandchildren.  Hopefully, there will be more orts next month.!

Friday, November 01, 2013

October Prgress, November Goals

Well, October wasn't one of my better months stitching wise.....I ended up with a bad cold right in the middle of the month and wasn't able to stitch for over a week!  Next month will be better!

I did manage to complete Natalie's Birth Sampler, which was the last of the 19 Crazy January starts that still needed to be finished!  And I put in a few hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas! 

10 hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas  worked on it
work on Logan’s stocking 
Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler

In Progress
Strawberry #1
Oveture II 

Crazy January starts
Natalie’s Birth Sampler finished

Future New starts
Snow in Love
Good Tidings
afghan pillow bear
afghan pillow moose
Crystal Violets
French Alphabet block sampler
Silent Night (CCN)
Around the World in 80 Days
Owen’s birth sampler
Peter’s Birth Sampler
Natalie’s Stocking
Owen’s stocking
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
Halloween House #15
Fall Mail Art finished
4 person RR – mine worked on it
5 person RR - Suzanne's
12 person RR - Kim's finished

Spooky Stitches finished
Or Nu worked on it

10 hours on Rocky Mountain Christmas  
work on Logan’s stocking 
Antique Map and Needlebook
Heirloom Christmas Sampler

In Progress
Strawberry #1
Oveture II 
4 person RR – mine
Or Nu

Future New starts
Snow in Love
Good Tidings
afghan pillow bear
afghan pillow moose
Crystal Violets
French Alphabet block sampler
Silent Night (CCN)
Around the World in 80 Days
Owen’s birth sampler
Peter’s Birth Sampler
Natalie’s Stocking
Owen’s stocking
Peter’s stocking
Mark & Karen’s wedding sampler
Tony & Melissa’s wedding sampler
Halloween House #15
5 person RR - Suzanne's